When we start working together, you’ll notice many occasions when we help make your business work better for you. Once a year, we can take a more rigorous look at what would make it more profitable and successful.
First, we take a step back from the day-to-day to give you a clear picture of what’s happening in your business. We show you the key things that are driving results. By thinking about your efforts as a set of steps, you can build up a complete picture of what can be improved.
For example, a company that wins business through competitive tendering can measure its activities (such as opportunities and proposals). It can then compare them to success rates (such as the proportion of proposals won). The result is a mathematically accurate picture that’s also easy to understand.
When you have this picture, you can play with the sensitivities. What would happen if you responded to 10% more opportunities? How much would profits rise if your proposals were 5% more successful? Questions like these help us work with you to create a plan for turning the sensitivities into reality.