Most accountants don’t usually tell you much about your non-financial numbers. Their systems aren’t geared up to do it. We offer something a little different with our One Page Plans.
When we do a One Page Plan for you, it shows all the key factors behind your business’ performance – and its potential. These could include customer feedback scores, time spent training staff and referrals. The plan maps them out so you can see the links between your goals, success drivers and results. This works like an early warning system by measuring and monitoring everything important.
It also identifies actions that need to be taken, and records them as part of your planning process. That means you always have your finger on the pulse of all the numbers that matter, not just the financial ones.
Some business owners share their One Page Plan with the whole team because it helps discussion, creativity and effort. It’s a motivator because it helps employees see the importance of what they’re doing.
Can we squeeze all this onto a single sheet of A4 paper? Challenge accepted.
Running the monthly One Page Plan for you is included as part of our Growth package. But you may need help setting it up if you’re not sure what you should be tracking. This set-up is charged as an optional extra.